Saturday, January 19, 2013

The so called 2013 resolutions.

One week passed so fast. It is another weekend. What am I bullshitting here? Everyone know it is weekend. lol

So 2013 started... neutrally for me. Good things and bad things they all happen which is expected. I would say 2012 trained me so well that I am all ready to take new challenges in 2013. While everyone was wishing and hoping 2013 to be a good year, I just thought that I don't need a good year. All I wanted was that my time will never be wasted. So what if nothing goes well? It is what make us stronger. Life can never be easier if we did not become stronger. 

So this year I will be going college which is part of my plan for my whole life. I did thought about going to university instead of college, but life is not always under my control. Thought about taking all sort of courses and I end up with what I was encourages to take 2 years ago.

I never expected myself able to forget about design nor writing, but instead of these dream, I have something else bigger to be pursuit.

I want to be rich. I want a house most preferable a condominium, well decorated and located in the city's center. I want to earn a lot. I want to travel to so many places. I want branded things. I want a car( more than one also can wtf) . I want fame. I want to be jealous by others instead feeling jealous. 

I am superficial. I am materialistic. But at least I want something, I fight for it. 

Anyways, these are what I want in long life in long term. The possibility that I can achieve any of these in 2013 is.... 0 % I would say. What? I am just saying the truth, going to college is a river for the money to swim out to the sea. wtf

So I set a few simple thing to accomplish in 2013.

Few things I need to buy this year. 
#1 laptop laptop laptop. 
No I mean one laptop not three. Been wanting a laptop since forever and now I can finally buy it. Anyway I am also seeking for IT pro since... I am kinda clueless about what laptop to get. Do offer your help if you feel like doing so. 

#2 Earphone
Followed by the laptop coming and the break down of all my earphone, I gonna need a ( or two) head set. One for my coming laptop if things go well and another one for my phone. 

#3 New phone. I hope.
My little SE button phone is dying. HAHA. I can't help myself from mentioning the BUTTON PHONE. Anyway it turn off when ever it knocked something hard or when I am calling. I was in the middle of a phone call and it turned off. I wanted a smart phone but I will not have any income after I got into college, how do you think I gonna pay my bills? 

Ask from parent? just not my style. I spent enough of their money I think.

Eh wait, if I get a new phone, earphone is along it.  lolololololololol wtf

The following will be a list of random things I want. 

#4 A leather wallet.
I am a leather freak.

#5 A new bottle. 
Preferable it to be thermos. I love coffee. Or I am just addicted.

#6 Hair Treatment.
HAHA. I know it is random but I desperately want my hair to be good again so that I can dye my hair.

#7 Hair dye after my hair is nourished again. 
I am now super hardworking using hair product everyday! REALLY SMOOTHER LERH! Even though Mom don't really want me to dye my hair, but I want to change. I want changes. I want to try some lighter colour. I want to be different.

#8 I need new clothes seriously.
Since I am working now, my outfit has been keep repeating every week. It is just so bored. lol Wanted more clothes so that I can match something out of it again. :O

HAHA I din't ask for anything ridiculous. The price range is very fine okay.

So the following are the things I want to do in 2013

#1 Work HARD
Working very hard already. 10 hours a day for that salary. I don't even sure about what is giving me strength to continue already.

#2 STUDY like really study.
It may sound fake... or stupid.. or any negative thoughts. But I did felt that I never really study very very hard in my life. Been watching tv during my UPSR, been busy hanging out and skip school during PMR, and busy online during SPM. SO if I really got into college. Perhaps... Just PERHAPS I might forget about having too much fun in my life and study really hard to get the scholarship. 

well. I mean forget about part of the entertainment not all.
well. I mean I will try.

#3 no take my social circle as a joke.
I met enough jerk and bitches. 

#4 I hope I at least travel locally for one times this year. 
I can't count how many years din't I travel. 

#5 Blog Hard.
I am still secretly and publicly hoping my blog will make a legend. Come on, I did try very hard. I have no idea how to attract readers. :( I mean like... I don't blog nonsense about every single detail in my everyday life. I shared the best part with all of you. :(

SO I wish you to LIVE HARD, LAUGH HARD and CRY HARD in 2013.

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