Friday, August 24, 2012

Screw your life.

This is how Form 5 screw your life. at least it screw my life already.

Form 5 started.
extra homework.
extra class.
extra stress.
everything is harder.
exam is coming.
you have to study everything form 4 and form 5.
you survived an exam.
trial is coming.
teacher din't finish the syllabus.
you have to study on your own.
you have to start your revision as early as possible before the exam.
you can't go out that often as you have trial.
one month before trial, outing is officially disappeared in your life.
you spend your holiday with study.
trial ended.
you got SPM.
there is only a month for you to prepare for SPM.
Outing is banned again.
SPM ended.
time to look for college or university.
time to choose a direction for your future.
you have to work to save money for further study.
you have to apply your scholarship or whatever.
Uni or college life started.
assignments are coming.
you graduated.
you work.

So there is no more holidays more than a month in your life anymore. unless you stop schooling or working.

My advice?
Enjoy your holiday like a boss when you still have a chance.

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