So, before this normal post, i wrote a few very depressing blog posts. Here the story for all those post, I got 'dumped' by #addiction. Brother is getting marry and the preparation drives the whole family crazy. And other problems that i would just keep them to myself. And one more, my backache is driving me crazy too. #WTF So my life become a disaster and everyday i hear bad news. This situation still on going. Now I am hated by someone and I don't even know why. #WTF
Back to today's topic. Why you say sorry?
I am sorry, I feel like it is better for us to be friend. I did not want to hurt you.
The awesome famous sentences that we all hear when someone tries to break up or we are trying to break up with someone. The word SORRY is to show our guilt, and all the sentences are just to elaborate how sorry we feel and hopefully they will forgive us. I believe when a person say that, he/she really feel guilty lar, but sometimes there are some different types of guilty. Here is it.
type A- You feel guilty because of the person is someone you did not want to hurt.
type B- You feel guilty because you think what you are doing is something immoral, you feel like you are a bad guy.
What is the different?
In type A, you feel sorry to the person because you did not want to hurt that person. It means that you really have feelings to him/her, you love that person, but something become the obstacle between both of you or your love for that person is not that kind of love. It is easier for that person to forgive you if you really feel sorry to him/her. I am sure that person can feel it if you are really sincerely want him/her to forgive you.
But in type B, it is just you are feeling sorry to yourself (and the god maybe). Your guilt has nothing to do with your ex, then you say sorry for what? You are not feeling sorry to him/her, why you want him/her to forgive you?It seems that you want your Ex to forgive you so that you will feel better and you can tell the world ''I am not a bad person, even him/her can forgive me, I did not make a huge mistake''. #WTF I tell you, it is super irritating when you face situation like this and you will never ever think about forgiving that bastard. #WTF Not encouraging everyone to be revengeful or what, but why should we forgive someone that does not really feel sorry to us?
So this is why we should always be aware and observe everything. No one wants to be fool, get dumped and used. Do not let them use us so that they can escape from all the guilt and no one gonna blame them even they break your heart. We should always be aware and understand the real situation. Do not simply forgive someone. When you say sorry, it means that you know your mistake, and you are willing to change it. if you are not going to change, you just gonna say sorry every time, all the sorry you said is meaningless. So make sure that person are really sorry before you forgive. OR you may just forget instead of forgive. #WTF
To those type B,
Do not expect someone to forgive you when you are not really sorry.
Back to today's topic. Why you say sorry?
I am sorry, I feel like it is better for us to be friend. I did not want to hurt you.
The awesome famous sentences that we all hear when someone tries to break up or we are trying to break up with someone. The word SORRY is to show our guilt, and all the sentences are just to elaborate how sorry we feel and hopefully they will forgive us. I believe when a person say that, he/she really feel guilty lar, but sometimes there are some different types of guilty. Here is it.
type A- You feel guilty because of the person is someone you did not want to hurt.
type B- You feel guilty because you think what you are doing is something immoral, you feel like you are a bad guy.
What is the different?
In type A, you feel sorry to the person because you did not want to hurt that person. It means that you really have feelings to him/her, you love that person, but something become the obstacle between both of you or your love for that person is not that kind of love. It is easier for that person to forgive you if you really feel sorry to him/her. I am sure that person can feel it if you are really sincerely want him/her to forgive you.
But in type B, it is just you are feeling sorry to yourself (and the god maybe). Your guilt has nothing to do with your ex, then you say sorry for what? You are not feeling sorry to him/her, why you want him/her to forgive you?It seems that you want your Ex to forgive you so that you will feel better and you can tell the world ''I am not a bad person, even him/her can forgive me, I did not make a huge mistake''. #WTF I tell you, it is super irritating when you face situation like this and you will never ever think about forgiving that bastard. #WTF Not encouraging everyone to be revengeful or what, but why should we forgive someone that does not really feel sorry to us?
So this is why we should always be aware and observe everything. No one wants to be fool, get dumped and used. Do not let them use us so that they can escape from all the guilt and no one gonna blame them even they break your heart. We should always be aware and understand the real situation. Do not simply forgive someone. When you say sorry, it means that you know your mistake, and you are willing to change it. if you are not going to change, you just gonna say sorry every time, all the sorry you said is meaningless. So make sure that person are really sorry before you forgive. OR you may just forget instead of forgive. #WTF
To those type B,
Do not expect someone to forgive you when you are not really sorry.

Hi there! I checked that you were following my older blog. I've re-linked so dont forget to follow the new one. oh yea. cheer up aite (:
Followed.:P Btw, you blog is very nice and I like it. :)