Few days ago I was so damn depressed because of all the problems that is going on. Now still kinda depress. #WTF No one will be really interested with my own problem, so no point i sharing about it. It is long story and even myself kinda lazy to think back how it start, I can only say, IT IS LIKE A DISASTER THAT WILL GO ON FOR MONTHS UNTIL EVERYTHING IS OVER, if I am bad luck enough, it will be even more than months. I can't do anything to solve those problems now, except pray hard. #WTF
I was actually writing about couple T-shirt and sms with the devil. He told me not to be too serious in blogging because it wont help me to get A in exam. #WTF Then i replied blogging is my hobby, I got hobby not good meh. Then he told me it is good to have hobby but not too over. because that is what his oral text write la. I saw he memorizing the text today. His side face so damn cute. I am a stalker #WTF
So, talking about hobby. How many of you are the same with me that you never tell the truth when someone ask what is your hobby? The biggest lie i answered was MY HOBBY IS READING. It happened when I was in standard 4 and teacher asked us to do a biodata,some sort of resume. And there is the part where i need to write my hobby. I do not know what was I thinking and I wrote reading. Obviously that is a lie because i do not read. The novel I have read in my whole life might be less than 10. #WTF And I do not read English novel, I guess that would explain why my english so damn 'good'.

And then I am form 3, there come the internet. I am finally connected to the world and I am addicted. I spend my time playing game, chatting like tomorrow is the end of the world because it is free. Then I start giving up those drama for internet. Then family complaint. I rebelled. After a long time I finally awake then i start cutting off the time i used to online. SO, I got no hobby already. Since I love to write these crap alot, I assumed my hobby is blogging.T_T
Actually i got no problem with my hobby until i met the devil. The devil is super healthy because he play basket ball almost everyday. I considered that he got healthy hobby excluding one of his hobby is dating with dota lar. It pissed me off sometimes because he does not reply message when he is dating with dota. Then he sort of dump me when he is dating with dota or basket ball. It make me realize I need some healthy hobby that can be done anytime as i cant online anytime i want.
I think about reading like seriously. But books are expansive and I am lazy to borrow from people. You know, when you want to borrow something, the sentence I WILL BRING IT TOMORROW will be keep repeating and you will never get what you want because you will also forget it after some time. So plan B, drawing. #WTF I kinda get frustrated every time i draw because i cant draw. So, plan C, there is no plan C.
Here is the issue, do we need a healthy hobby to fill our time?
For myself, hobby is more like doing what we like to fill our time. It does not need to be healthy as long as you are happy. But I feel like want to have a healthy hobby because I really think I need to improve myself. The world is so competitive. We need to keep improving ourselves to fit in and survive. We can improve ourselves and get a better life by spending our time wisely. I do not see any disadvantage there, so just do it. #Nike #WTF When you got a better life, you will be saying I'm lovin it. #McD Then that is a happy life. It goes the same when you are spending money, if you can spend your money for something you need, then you still spend for something not so useful? It does not make sense right?
But that is what i think and what is important is what yourself think lar. Everyone seek for different things for their life. Well, I want a better life. Some of you might be looking for happiness or whatever, just go for it. Life is short and time has wings, they flies. #WTF So do not wait, do what you want if you are allowed to( did not ask you to kill people). Do waste your life with regrets. :)