Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Inspired by XiaXue POST - FAT,I am here to write this post. DIET.

Of course everyone knows what is diet la, and I believe a lot of us are doing this. I understand teenager care about how they look LIKE A LOT, it is the same to me because I am super zilian.#wtf Recently my weight increased, I don’t know how much is it because I was too scared to accept the truth LOL #wtf. I can see myself getting fat. YES, I AM FAT NAO, SO WHAT? LIFE GOES ON. Some people are just overreacting to their increase of weight.

I met friend who diet with eating an apple a day, she end up in emergency room. #wtf we thought she got asthma attack, I was super worried and I cried. #wtfwtfwtf It was an old story la, but diet issue is still going. I UNDERSRAND YOU WANT TO LOOK GOOD, BUT WHY YOU NO DO IT IN THE RIGHT WAY?! There are people try to diet with not eating anything and doing a lot of exercise. I am not sure about do these people have a brain because this is so damn wrong. I have seen people who try to get anorexia nervosa because they want to lose weight. SERIOUSLY, ARE YOU REALLY SO DESPERATE ABOUT BEING SKINNY? JUST GO GET A PLASTIC SURGERY, ANOREXIA NERVOSA IS NOT SOMETHING FUNNY. You maybe skinny after you get that sickness, but being a skeleton doesn’t make you more adorable. Your family will be the one who suffer more than you, who would like to see their love one abuse themselves.

Actually, I do not agree with people who try to lose weight just to look good. For me, look like a stick girl does not means you are pretty. People, you do not need to lose weight just because your weight has increase. Diet is something you should do only when you are overweight. You should diet if you are overweight because overweight may causes other health problem such as heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and other problem. We should only do something with good intention.

There are so much healthy way to lose weight, I know it will takes a long time, but be patient. The easiest way is do exercise and eat healthy food. Well I do not exactly know what kind of food can help in lose weight but I do suggest that

1. Eat more fruit and vegetables.

2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.

3. Eat low fat food ( not sure if it works, but I think it should has some effect)

4. Walk more, do not always sit in front of computer. #wtf hahaha

5. Do exercise at least once a week, if you really want to lose weight, do more then.

6. Go search some other website for more information.

7. Done searching? What are you still doing here? Click my ads and go do what you should do to lose weight nao

Lastly, fat is not something to be embarrassed. Like Xia xue post, nobody hates fat people. We do not want to see anyone to be overweight because it may cause health problem. Why should we risk our life when we can make a change? Appreciate your life and always try to make it better. Those who are underweight but still trying to lose weight please wake up, you can use these effort to do something else that is more meaningful than this, and true beauty should not be just beautiful outside, but inside too.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What Girls Want For Valentine's Day?

yes yes, I am here to update Again. It is February, Valentine's day is giving me opportunity to do cheat post everyday. AND I AM SO EMOTIONAL BECAUSE I AM FOREVERALONE. Seems like everyone have a boyfriend or a rumoured boyfriend #wtf and I am alone, FOREVERALONE.

I told myself, never mind, it is okay to be alone. I still can write what girls want for valentine's day. i convinced myself that after this post I will be no longer foreveralone and I will have a superb valentine's day.

you know what? that is what i told myself and normally the reality will be exactly the opposite. Means? still foreveralone la.

So, what girls want (or i want) for valentine's day?

#1 easy la, gift. present.
basically girls do not really care what type of present u give her, as long as you are giving a present to her ON VALENTINE'S DAY. Give her flowers, chocolates, couple ring, or whatever la. Girls just want to receive present, it makes them feel like they are special. But PLEASE do not simply buy something for her, choose your pressie carefully. make sure it is special and it is a bonus if the present mean something for both of you. DIY your own present will definitely show how sincere you are.

#2 bring her to a date
choose a restaurant with good environment, bring you girlfriend there, order her favourite foods and drinks, say something nice, taddah! she is yours nao. #wtf hahaha

#3 either you are single or not, make a love confession to your love one.
If you are single on the beginning of the valentine's day and you hope to end it not single any more, take this opportunity to express your feeling to your love one. if you already have a girlfriend, do not bother about making a love confession again. Girls are easy to satisfy if you are doing what they wan. Girls are easily melted when they hear something sweet. So never stop telling how much you love her.

#4 special case for LDR, a call.
if you are far apart from her and you could not make it to see her on that day, give her a call (better be video call la). Talk to her, tell her you miss her and make her feel your presence, that is all she needs when she cant see you on this kind of special day.

#5 the three word
Actually you should tell her the 3 words everyday but telling her on that day will be extra meaningful.

valentine's is a chance for everyone to express their love. Some people might be shy normally but this special day shall give them courage to express their feeling. Show her how much you love her on that day, make her feel special, make her feel your love. Give her an unforgettable valentine's day, and be her valentine forever.

So what are you waiting for? You got less than 2 days to prepare nao. So click the ads and offline to prepare a special valentine's day for her NAO!

Actually i can be not foreveralone but i should date with my countless exam 1st nao. T_T

valentine day flowers 2012 Valentines Day Flowers Ideas 2012