长大后才发现 一年真的很快过去 时间会匆匆地溜走
逝去的 失去的 过去的 总会留下痕迹
一年里,不曾经历的生老病死 经历了三次 。曾经以为癌症是戏里才会发生的事。它却无声无息忽然发生在我最亲的人身上。也许俗语没有错,人生就是一场戏。事情过了很久,数一数也将近9个月。9个月让我明白,真的重要的人,逝去后,时间不会让你忘记她,反而会用很多不同的方式提醒着你这段回忆的存在。
回想2013 的12月,曾经疯狂的神马家。散了。
景物依旧 人事已非
人来了就走 就如我在别人生命中
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
至 我永远最爱的母亲
妈咪 生日快乐
妈妈 生日快乐
2.18 a.m. 23.12.2013
--就那么一个不小心找到了给妈妈的最后一份生日礼物 更不小心找到妈妈生病时的日记
很多事情会变成过去 很多人会变成回忆 思念会随着时间加剧 只想努力保持心中那份感情
Monday, April 7, 2014
It has been almost a month since she left. I am now backed
to my normal life. Studying, working and breathing. Yes, I am breathing, but do
I really live? I don't know. I don't get excited; I don't feel happy or sad.
Every day is just a day, not a happy nor a sad day. Everything is just normal.
I wouldn't feel nervous and stress even when the unexpected happens.
Everything seems like nothing happen. One thing that I have prepared is that everything will be back to normal but things will never be the same because what I have lost is still a loss. It may not affect my life, but as if my life is a box, her leaving will not make this box smaller or incomplete, but it will leaves a hole inside.
Yes, emptiness.
People would thought that I will cry to sleep but no, I didn’t cry as crazy as people thought I will. I would even say I haven't really cried after she left. I have tears in my eyes, sometimes. However, it is just hard for me to burst into tears. I cry the least of those who people expect to cry a lot. I wonder does that make me look cruel. I worked the next day right after we settled everything. Some say I stand up quick, but I wonder if I really fall.
Everything is just too fine for a person who had just lost her mother, until one day, when I was having high fever after work.
I seldom got sick. The last time I got high fever was probably few years ago, when I am at home with her taking care of me. And then finally I was sick, being too tired after a few busy weeks with no proper break. I was lying on the beanie bag I bought the night before she passed away, with my aching body, bones and skin. Yes, I finally realised how much I missed her. I never said that I don’t miss her. It was just even myself don’t know how much I missed her. If she would still here, she would be freaking out for my high fever, forcing me to drink water, doing anything and everything to cool down my temperature. However, she is just so far away now. She would not come back anymore. Being sick reminds me so much of her. I remembered few years ago when I was sick too, I was feeling so tired that I could not even feed myself. I remembered clearly how she fed me, cooling the food before she put it into my mouth. She was such a caring mother.
Everything seems like nothing happen. One thing that I have prepared is that everything will be back to normal but things will never be the same because what I have lost is still a loss. It may not affect my life, but as if my life is a box, her leaving will not make this box smaller or incomplete, but it will leaves a hole inside.
Yes, emptiness.
People would thought that I will cry to sleep but no, I didn’t cry as crazy as people thought I will. I would even say I haven't really cried after she left. I have tears in my eyes, sometimes. However, it is just hard for me to burst into tears. I cry the least of those who people expect to cry a lot. I wonder does that make me look cruel. I worked the next day right after we settled everything. Some say I stand up quick, but I wonder if I really fall.
Everything is just too fine for a person who had just lost her mother, until one day, when I was having high fever after work.
I seldom got sick. The last time I got high fever was probably few years ago, when I am at home with her taking care of me. And then finally I was sick, being too tired after a few busy weeks with no proper break. I was lying on the beanie bag I bought the night before she passed away, with my aching body, bones and skin. Yes, I finally realised how much I missed her. I never said that I don’t miss her. It was just even myself don’t know how much I missed her. If she would still here, she would be freaking out for my high fever, forcing me to drink water, doing anything and everything to cool down my temperature. However, she is just so far away now. She would not come back anymore. Being sick reminds me so much of her. I remembered few years ago when I was sick too, I was feeling so tired that I could not even feed myself. I remembered clearly how she fed me, cooling the food before she put it into my mouth. She was such a caring mother.
I recovered from high fever after sleeping for half day, but
somehow she stayed in my minds. I haven’t missed her so badly before. Every day
I think of her. Wash my tears away when I am in the shower.
I know I just can’t wait any longer to blog about her. I need to remember every details of her before I forget more.
Strong is the best word to describe about her, or reading her story of life would best explain the meaning of strong.
I know I just can’t wait any longer to blog about her. I need to remember every details of her before I forget more.
Strong is the best word to describe about her, or reading her story of life would best explain the meaning of strong.
She was born in a huge family with two sisters and four
brothers. She was not the eldest but that didn’t make her dependant. She lost
her father at the age of 6. She faced it with courage. “I am not afraid, I
still have my mother” is what she said when people ask about her loss. She was
naughty, yet smart. That is one of the best thing she inherited to me. We are
both evil. When she was young, she did a lot of tricks to prank people. Filling
up people’s shoes with rocks. Buying ice cream and threw it to the dog when she
was almost getting caught.
I am so much like her, not only appearance but my personality too. I pranked my brother too when I was young.
I am so much like her, not only appearance but my personality too. I pranked my brother too when I was young.
She grew up in a hardship where she was forced to give up
her education when she was form 2. She can do really well in academic. However,
the poverty of the family would have to make them wake up in the midnight going
to estate to work and go to school after that. She could not concentrate in
class and in the end she gave up.
She worked various type of job after that. She went far away
from home too. I guessed that is probably when she met my dad. They were married
when my dad was 22 and she was 20. They had my brother but things were hard.
Both of them worked very hard but the financial of the family was always bad.
She went through the days where she had no money to buy milk powder for the
children. It was just a very hard time but she went through it. She could have
just leave, but she chose to stay for the children.
A mom will always do anything for her children, never doubts that.
A mom will always do anything for her children, never doubts that.
Days by days, their hard work paid off. They had their own
shoes factory, it was not big, but it is enough to get us a better life. I am
lucky to born at that time. I didn’t have to suffer as much as my brother and
sister. I got the toys they always wanted but they never have it in their
childhood. I used to be very close to my dad when I was younger because mom is
always a fierce person. She disciplined us well, but I was too young to
understand that.
The good things didn’t last long, mom shut down the factory because it was too stress. Mom was clever that she used to money we got after selling the factory to buy the house we have now. She always had a plan.
The good things didn’t last long, mom shut down the factory because it was too stress. Mom was clever that she used to money we got after selling the factory to buy the house we have now. She always had a plan.
They worked really hard afterwards to pay the bills and grew
us up. When I was form 2, it was the first time she was in serious illness. She
was admitted into hospital for anaemia and diagnosed with a huge tumour in her
uterus during that time. She was too weak to carry out the operation at that
time in order to cut off the tumour so it was carried out a few months later.
That was that first time I almost lost her. I cried a lot because I was so
young and I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t even see that coming.
I thought she had gone through so much, it will be the time
for her to enjoy after that.
Things were not any better, still. She still had to work to
get my sister to college. I was still a burden as I was still in secondary
school. She was much weaker after the operation; she could not work over time
anymore. Our family income was greatly reduce, she save every penny to give us
what we want.
She was given regular check-up after that operation. Each
year she will be diagnosed with another small tumour in her breast, high blood
pressure and other problem, but luckily these were not harmful and we changed
our life style to keep all the numbers good and healthy. She successfully got
my sister graduated with degree from UK, paid the loan for the house, my
brother was married and she got her first grandson. I have seen her went
through so much, I decided to give her freedom.
I came to college on my own, not just to prove that I can be
independent. The intention I did it was because I wanted to give my parent a
chance to do what they want. They spend their whole life for us. They are
getting older. I want them to enjoy their life.
I thought things will go the way I wanted, but it never. I
would say it broke my heart a lot.
Mom was start to sick when I was just in semester 2. I didn’t go home often because of tight schedule and all sort of things. In November, she was confirmed with cancer at the third stage in Serdang hospital. In Dicember, we went to Hospital Kuala Lumpur and the oncologist told us it was the fourth stage.
She was constantly vomiting, getting skinnier, slowly unable to consume food at that time. She started her chemotherapy in the end of Dicember. She was still getting worse and the side effects from the chemotherapy. We were just holding still. It is suffering to see her suffer from the side effects, but we knew it is the hope if she ever made through it.
February was the Chinese New Year. It was a strange new year because our grandma pass away few days before it and mom was too weak to celebrate. We spend it like an off from job and school. Her chemotherapy was stopped by the doctor after 3 sessions.
In March, we all know she would not last for very long. The week before she leave, it was just so worst. We all stayed at home. I watched her suffered. Vomit, unable to eat at all, unable to move… and the last few days she lost her conscious. She didn’t know where she was, she kept looking for us, asking us to hug her. She was leaving the last words for us while she still can.
Mom was start to sick when I was just in semester 2. I didn’t go home often because of tight schedule and all sort of things. In November, she was confirmed with cancer at the third stage in Serdang hospital. In Dicember, we went to Hospital Kuala Lumpur and the oncologist told us it was the fourth stage.
She was constantly vomiting, getting skinnier, slowly unable to consume food at that time. She started her chemotherapy in the end of Dicember. She was still getting worse and the side effects from the chemotherapy. We were just holding still. It is suffering to see her suffer from the side effects, but we knew it is the hope if she ever made through it.
February was the Chinese New Year. It was a strange new year because our grandma pass away few days before it and mom was too weak to celebrate. We spend it like an off from job and school. Her chemotherapy was stopped by the doctor after 3 sessions.
In March, we all know she would not last for very long. The week before she leave, it was just so worst. We all stayed at home. I watched her suffered. Vomit, unable to eat at all, unable to move… and the last few days she lost her conscious. She didn’t know where she was, she kept looking for us, asking us to hug her. She was leaving the last words for us while she still can.
In the morning of 12th March 2014, I watched her
left us. I watch her last breath.
Was it pain? Yes it is.
I wish she could stay a little longer, but I don’t want her to suffer anymore. I wish she could celebrate another 10 years birthdays, new years with me. I wish she could still travel to Cameron Highland together with us which she planned before she was sick. There are many things we can do if she is still here…but she is not.
I wish she could stay a little longer, but I don’t want her to suffer anymore. I wish she could celebrate another 10 years birthdays, new years with me. I wish she could still travel to Cameron Highland together with us which she planned before she was sick. There are many things we can do if she is still here…but she is not.
These are my selfish thoughts, but watching her suffer, I
rather her to leave. Ever since I knew about her sickness, seeing her getting
worse, all I did is just to believe God will do what is best for her. Perhaps
here is not the place where it could give her happiness that is why God took
her away.
Wherever she is, I wish her happy.
Wherever she is, I wish her happy.
Wherever she go, she stays in my heart, love and memories.
Dear mom,
I wrote a letter to you before you leave, asking you not to
give up and stay strong. It is okay, I knew you tried your best. Don’t be
sorry. You did your best for us. Thank you, for who you made me into, and who
you became in my life. You will always be the most important person in my life.
You are the strongest person I ever met. All the hardships and you never give
up. Thank you. Thank you for being my greatest mom. If I ever have a chance, I
wish you will be my daughter next time, and I will love you the way you loved
me. I promised you to be strong and be someone you did be proud of if you are
still here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Time Travelling from 2013 to 2014 - SOJU Sunway
Yup, here am I, 2 am in the morning of first day of Chinese New Year, having absolutely no plan as I am not celebrating this year due to some situation.
I was so bored so I thought of updating how I got to 2014 from 2013. Well, people call it countdown and I am feeling special tonight so it will be time travel. :>
So my time travel happened in a evil way in a club. To be more accurate, it is a music club. Nah, the truth is we don't really mind is it a club or music club, until we got in and realize it was so different.
Not sure if people like it or not, but music club turns out a little less fun for people like us.
So it was a last minute decision that we decided to go the new-opened SOJU Sunway music club. We actually decided during dinner time and hair cut session. Well, the boy got his hair styled free after the cut, which totally goes right with our plan. Then, there we go, the club with huge LED screen.
A little funny incident happened when we were going in, I got checked IC by the bouncer and he laughed about me being "ngam ngam" to get in.
The seat we got that day was not bad, just beside the stage. Got 3 bottles of black label that night but I was not really drinking that night.
Why get drunk when you go there to have fun? >.^
The performer were Wayne and Pure Energy that night. Well, we don't really expect that much of live performance as this is our first time in a music club. The performance was a little extreme for us i guess. We are so used to club that have DJ mixing those English song so when Wayne sing Chinese song we actually felt a little strange. And Pure energy were very extreme that they were just wearing undies. All the girls were like "OMG, where should I look at, I can't look at him."
Maybe they are not really extreme but it is just us not used to it. Who knows.
Then we time traveled from 2013 to 2014 and party until around 1.30 am.
Some of the photos taken that night. Love these 2 man so much. ♥
Overall, the place impressed us with very good sound system which the bass make us heartbeat. It will be so nice if the music are a little closer to our taste. Well, the performer were not bad too, they did a great job getting the crowd high.
What we don't like is that it was so crowded that night that we don't even have space to move. The smoker won't even get his space for cigarettes. And they did a bad decision to release tons of small paper pieces when it was finally 12.00 am. Everyone was busy covering their glass from the paper. And before we leave, people were actually throwing ice cubes. Well I got hit really hard. T^T
The huge LED screen also make the whole place very bright so people were playing dices inside too. :'D This is how music club do their thing, it is brighter than the normal club, they have live performance probably singing 想你的夜or 征服, people play dices inside, and no dance floor.
So think twice about what you are looking for, if you are looking for a music club, SOJU can be a really good place. The sound systems is really impressive and the performer are really good.
Still a great night with the gang. Enjoyed it because at the end of the day, we are just grateful that we met each other in 2013 and we are celebrating a new year together.
And last but not least, Happy Chinese New Year people.
I was so bored so I thought of updating how I got to 2014 from 2013. Well, people call it countdown and I am feeling special tonight so it will be time travel. :>
So my time travel happened in a evil way in a club. To be more accurate, it is a music club. Nah, the truth is we don't really mind is it a club or music club, until we got in and realize it was so different.
Not sure if people like it or not, but music club turns out a little less fun for people like us.
So it was a last minute decision that we decided to go the new-opened SOJU Sunway music club. We actually decided during dinner time and hair cut session. Well, the boy got his hair styled free after the cut, which totally goes right with our plan. Then, there we go, the club with huge LED screen.
A little funny incident happened when we were going in, I got checked IC by the bouncer and he laughed about me being "ngam ngam" to get in.
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Here is how the place looks like. and the LED screen. |
The seat we got that day was not bad, just beside the stage. Got 3 bottles of black label that night but I was not really drinking that night.
Why get drunk when you go there to have fun? >.^
The performer were Wayne and Pure Energy that night. Well, we don't really expect that much of live performance as this is our first time in a music club. The performance was a little extreme for us i guess. We are so used to club that have DJ mixing those English song so when Wayne sing Chinese song we actually felt a little strange. And Pure energy were very extreme that they were just wearing undies. All the girls were like "OMG, where should I look at, I can't look at him."
Maybe they are not really extreme but it is just us not used to it. Who knows.
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10seconds before 2014 and perfomer with their undies. :'D |
Then we time traveled from 2013 to 2014 and party until around 1.30 am.
Some of the photos taken that night. Love these 2 man so much. ♥
Overall, the place impressed us with very good sound system which the bass make us heartbeat. It will be so nice if the music are a little closer to our taste. Well, the performer were not bad too, they did a great job getting the crowd high.
What we don't like is that it was so crowded that night that we don't even have space to move. The smoker won't even get his space for cigarettes. And they did a bad decision to release tons of small paper pieces when it was finally 12.00 am. Everyone was busy covering their glass from the paper. And before we leave, people were actually throwing ice cubes. Well I got hit really hard. T^T
The huge LED screen also make the whole place very bright so people were playing dices inside too. :'D This is how music club do their thing, it is brighter than the normal club, they have live performance probably singing 想你的夜or 征服, people play dices inside, and no dance floor.
So think twice about what you are looking for, if you are looking for a music club, SOJU can be a really good place. The sound systems is really impressive and the performer are really good.
Still a great night with the gang. Enjoyed it because at the end of the day, we are just grateful that we met each other in 2013 and we are celebrating a new year together.
And last but not least, Happy Chinese New Year people.
I know when I posted this out, a lot people will be judging because I go to club. Yes, I did.
Some might even call me a spoiled kid, bitch and etc.
Yes, you are allowed to call me anything you want because I know who I really am.
Some might even call me a spoiled kid, bitch and etc.
Yes, you are allowed to call me anything you want because I know who I really am.
There will always be haters, I understand.
Club is not a good thing for some people, I understand.
Club is not a good thing for some people, I understand.
But just because people don't like it, it does not mean I have to stop.
I am there, because I really enjoy the music. And nothing more.
I am there, because I really enjoy the music. And nothing more.
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